          回覆:神的預知 # 6956 會場佈置60 [at least she showed somewhat gifted talent as the 酒店打工 form of Anita Mui, and Whitney Houston] Why gifted talent matters?Because gifte 濾桶d talent person can always be a good winner or good loser; the problem that happens to Condi Rice 西裝外套 is she is a plain liar-a female dressed animal, therefore, she cannot have honest eyes to see things right, therefore, she has n 酒店打工o way to give her ears and eyes to good advise; that her somewhat gifted talent makes her willing to be "good" loser to follow Clearance Thom 酒店經紀as (he has another form as 劉文正/孫國慶/陳凱平/艾力克斯[who showed in that video 麻辣天后宮:藝人模仿表演篇(1/5) 20100222] 面膜and that former France President who bent to kiss Condi Rice clas or claws in front of the world eyes.) low lower lowest to play that sucking Sotomayor to get into US Supreme Court, that she' 好房網;s too suck to know that you have no way to win any liar orally but tell US military to kill them all; that how she could be somehow like good winner to ignore my "attack to her", that she's too suck to kn 房屋買賣ow that she cannot afford to ignore my "attack to her" but do whatever she must have to do to take my advise.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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